Media requirements
(Last updated: 12/03/2025)

General Advice
The most effective way to name your files is to incorporate the product's unique identifier numbers and the languages that apply. In this way, the files are automatically linked to the products.
An optimal file name could be for example:
The parameters mentioned below are taken into account:
Product identifiers:
- EAN-13 code (ex: "EAN0123456789101")
Type of the image:
- for packshots use "pa"
- for productshots use "pr"
- for pillshots use "pi"
- for lifestyle images use "ls"
- Languages for which the image is applied (for example: en-en)
Visible sides of the subject:
- if the frontside is visible, use "front"
- if the left- or rightside is visible, use "left" or "right"
- if the backside is visible, use "back"
- if the topside is visible, use "top"
- if the bottomside is visible, use "bottom"
Please note: .png files are not optimised for website or webshop applications; we recommend using .jpg files.
Please do not use special characters such as &é”’(§è!çà) and avoid spaces and points in the naming of the file.
Packshots are images of the packaging.
These images must meet the following minimum technical requirements:
- JPEG format
- At least 1500x1500 pixels in size
- Square image (not rectangular)
- White background or transparent background
- The product is photographed at an angle of 30°
- Always include at least 1 identifier in the file name (for example the EAN number)

Product shots are images of the product in its packaging. (e.g., bottle, tablet, brace, etc.)
These images must meet the following minimum technical requirements:
- JPEG format
- At least 1500x1500 pixels in size
- Square image (not rectangular)
- White background or transparent background
- Always include at least 1 identifier in the file name (for example the EAN number)

A pillshot is an image of the pill that's inside the packaging.
These images must meet the following minimum technical requirements:
- JPEG format
- At least 1500x1500 pixels in size
- Square image (not rectangular)
- Always include at least 1 identifier in the file name (for example the EAN number)

Lifestyle Images
A lifestyle image is any image that is not a "packshot", "productshot" or "pillshot” or “frontal shot“
These images must meet the following minimum technical requirements:
- JPEG format
- At least 1500x1500 pixels in size
- Square image (not rectangular)
- Always include at least 1 identifier in the file name (for example the EAN number)

Frontal Shots
Frontal shots do not represent a standalone image type like packshots, productshots, pillshots or lifestyle images, but are images which meet certain criteria to be suitable for use on touchscreens in pharmacies.
Criteria to meet in order for an image to be considered a frontal:
- Image type: packshot or productshot
- Image format: transparent PNG
- Visible sides: only ‘front’

Brochures must be uploaded in PDF format (no .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, etc.) and should not exceed 20MB.